Yes, it is early August and it is unusually hot here in the area of Seattle. There is also a great deal of smoke in our air due to wild fires in British Columbia. We’re in the midst of the longest stretch of rainless days ever recorded here in the Puget Sound. And, in a couple of weeks, there will be a solar eclipse! So, a very unusual summer for sure.
I am in the process of planning a trip to Viet Nam and Myanmar, from November 25-December 10. I look forward to meeting with a pastor in Saigon, and then meeting and teaching a group of leaders in Mandalay, Myanmar.
In the meantime, I have been corresponding with a pastor in Tanzania, with whom I will work next year. Last week, I met with a pastor in Oregon who will accompany me and share the teaching load. We will be working with about 300 pastors.
I have also received requests to go to Rwanda and Kenya. I don’t know how much of these requests I can accommodate but I am praying for wisdom in making the decisions.
Our friends in Nepal who run the orphanage, Dev and his wife Maya, have requested funds in order to be able to bring on 10 more children. If you can possibly help, please contact me and I will tell you how you can help. If nothing else, please pray for them, as they are doing a wonderful work in Kathmandu.
I am appreciative of this “quiet” time in between ministry trips, as I am able to continue to develop curriculum for future trips.
Thanks so much for checking in. And, thanks for all your prayers and support.