Finished Already??

Today, Friday, was the final day of the conference. It was all a wonderful experience. I closed out the final session, followed by the taking of communion. It is all a very dignified exercise. Every year following the communion time, there is a song and then virtually every person in attendance gives a hug to everyone else, you know, the one-side-then-the-other type of hug. It is a joyous time for all. Afterward, when we many of us are out on the lawn area, we are in demand for pictures with so many of the pastors. It is a lot of fun! There were a couple of sobering times today. One of them concerned one of the HMU pastors. Last year, one of the pastors was killed while riding his motorcycle, as a car ran into him. Today his brother and son were called forward for prayer and to present a financial gift to them, collected from the churches in Delhi.

So, I head for home tomorrow (Saturday). I am praying for a safe trip home and am looking forward to being back home! I have included a photo or two of the events of the day. One shows me with  8 of the guys from the Punjab State. There is one of me with Saji with 3 young men from a state in the northeast corner of India. Then one of me with my friend Pastor Sam from Delhi.IMG_2785 IMG_2795 IMG_2783


Thank you again for your love, support, and prayers!!



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