Final Thoughts on the Recent Trip

Now that I am back home, I have had time to reflect on this recent time in India and Nepal. So, for what it’s worth, here are some final observations:

** No matter how many times I go to India, I am always reminded of just how little Americans know about Indian culture. I see American Christians, including me, constantly imposing OUR way of doing things (though with good intentions) on how to “do ministry” in India. Much of Indian culture does not make sense to us. WE think that our way is logical, that it will be most effective, that this is how it should work in India, because, well, it all works in the U.S. But, nothing could be further from the truth. We need to answer their request for help and ministry, then, once there, defer to their structure, their cultural distinctives, and work within that paradigm. We will be MUCH more effective in our efforts there (or, really, in most other cultures). Otherwise, we will have nice pics and slides to show the folks at home, but we will be largely ineffective.

** Jet lag is unavoidable. If I allow it, it will stop me dead in my tracks for a week after returning home. I need to keep pushing ahead, knowing it WILL fade away.

** I notice that the disciplines of extended times of prayer and fasting are an integral part of the Christian life in many places I visit in India and Nepal. It is at the same time inspiring and frightening.

** I love Indian food! Except for breakfasts and one dinner, every lunch and dinner was Indian or Nepalese food. It was very spicy, delicious, and terribly addicting! As long as the meal includes naan bread, it is all good!

** I want to help establish Pastor’s Training Centers in India and Nepal. I have been asked to not only help establish them, but to be a big part of leading them. Yikes! I keep thinking, how can that happen? How do we obtain land or buildings? It is hugely daunting to me. I can only pray, plan, and work with people who can help make it happen. Then, we’ll see what God will do.

Thanks again for all the prayers. There were times when I said to God, “I am too spent to pray much right now, so I will rely on the prayers of my friends. Please hear THEIR prayers!” He did!


  1. David,
    You’ve finished your blog with very big plans for the future of your work in India and Nepal. We pray that you’re given great wisdom as you balance the demands of home, the vision of The Pastor’s Traning Center, and your other demands world wide. God Bless.
    Love to you and Debbie
    From Neil and Viv

  2. Hi David!

    I agree with Neil…we will also be praying for great wisdom as you continue forward in ministry in Nepal and India.
    It is very interesting to think about how the Indian culture is different from ours so how ministry there should look different than in the U.S. I’d like to hear examples of that. It sounds very true! God bless!

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