Here We Go . . .

Well, today we finally have launched the website! After months of hard work, my friend and web-designer Brandon Hill has finished all the tweaking and adjusting in order to get it up and running. I am deeply indebted to him for all of his efforts. I am sure that as time goes on, we will make further adjustments and load different content, but, for now, here it is! I hope you find the site informative and useful. And, please contact me if you have any questions about MTI.

Thanks for visiting!



A Memorable Missions Conference

I recently attended the annual Calvary Chapel Missions Conference held at the conference center/campus in Murrieta Hot Springs, California. Though I have participated in the Asia Missions Conference in Hong Kong on 3 occasions, this was my first time at the main conference.

I have to admit to a bit of trepidation as I drove on to the campus for the weeklong event. I’ve been to dozens of pastor’s conferences over the years, but a large missions conference? I was in relatively unfamiliar territory. So each morning I prayed for “divine appointments”. And, each day I saw that prayer answered! There were main sessions each day, breakout sessions on 2 days, and lots of booths and tables set up by missionaries and missions organization. Some of the highlights for me:

“Running into” Pastor David Zamora, with whom I taught in India in October. Over lunch he invited me to speak at his church in Fontana, CA that Wednesday. I had the best time with him, his family, and his church members.

“Running into” (divine appointments, remember?) Pastor Jeff Gipe, whom also worked with me in India in October. With him was Joe Dyer, brother-in-law of long time member of CC Silverdale, Ann Dyer. We had a great time talking during lunch that particular afternoon. Later, Jeff and I and long-time friend Dave Guzik enjoyed a delicious dinner at an Indian restaurant (of course, just reminiscing about our time in India!).

Meeting and speaking with people on the mission field who are training pastors, and who expressed an interest in having me go and work with them.

Hearing some deeply inspirational messages from a few missionaries who have remarkable stories of persevering through some tough times for years, and then seeing things “suddenly” blossom for their ministries.

There was so much more, and it was a week rich with conversations, teachings, and connections. I hope this can be an annual event for me in my new ministry role. And, I don’t think next time there will be any trepidation!
