It is now Friday morning at around 10:30 AM, meaning 8:30 PM Thursday on the West Coast. Yesterday (Thursday) I completed the 4 days of teaching. I am thankful for just how well everything went. I felt great throughout and met some wonderful individuals and I wish I knew everyone’s story. I think I had mentioned before about the man who would provide transportation each day to and from the school. 20 years ago he had spent a year in jail for sharing his faith. He had some other great things to say as well, which I will tell you about when I return.
Then, last evening I was picked up at the hotel by Pastor Tung and I rode on the back of his motorbike for the 20 minute wild ride through the streets of Saigon. I wanted to use my iPad to video some of the ride but had been warned by several Vietnamese people to always hang on to cell phones and tablets, as there are many thieves in this area and they will swoop by on a motorbike and take it in the blink of an eye. So, I gently held on to the bar on the rear of the bike but maintained a death grip on my iPad! I wish you could experience what it is like to ride through the streets of this city of 8 million at night. Very exhilarating. Eventually, we arrived at a small restaurant down kind of a back street. We were joined by Tung’s wife and 3 children for a meal of spring rolls and . . . well, some other stuff. I don’t know what it was called but all of it was very tasty. There was a stack of rice paper with plates of ingredients, so everyone made their own spring rolls. After dinner, about 8 others came to the restaurant for the Thursday evening prayer gathering. In fact, Tung’s church meets at this restaurant on Sunday mornings. We had a time of singing, talking, and then in lieu of the prayer time, I was asked to offer a word of encouragement. It all lasted about 90 minutes, then back on the motorbike for the return to the hotel and a good night’s sleep.
So, I will relax today and get ready for the 3 AM checkout and ride to the airport. So much more to say but I’ll save it for later. Looking forward to being home with my wonderful Debbie!
Again, thanks for all the prayers and for reading the blog. Now please remember me in your prayers, that all goes well on the return trip.