Santa Barbara!

I had a wonderful time yesterday at Calvary Chapel of Santa Barbara. My thanks to Pastor and good friend Dave Guzik for giving me some time to talk about the work of MTI, even though it was his final Sunday as senior pastor of the church. He and his wife Inga-Lill had me stay in their home on Saturday night and were altogether gracious and hospitable. The people of CCSB were warm and welcoming. What a great church!

Looking forward to this week of attending the CCSPC conference in Costa Mesa. Time to catch up with long-time friends and maybe make some plans for future ministry.

Thanks for all the support and prayers!


Pastors and Wives East Africa Retreat

Well, the last 5 days in Uganda have been incredible. Debbie and I were privileged to participate in this 2nd annual event on the shores of Lake Victoria in Entebbe, Uganda. There were couples in attendance from Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, South Sudan, and more. It was a week of sweet fellowship, prayer together, relaxation, teaching, and panel discussions. I taught four main sessions and participated in a couple of panels. Debbie made some wonderful connections with the wives. We were so blessed in every way. I didn’t think it could top last year’s retreat, but it certainly did. We’re grateful for safe travels and good health as well.

This evening I met with Pastor Arthur, who traveled all the way from Tanzania in order to talk with me and strategize about future plans. He has asked me to help teach and train 300 pastors in Tanzania next year. It was wonderful to spend a few hours with him and I look forward to our venture in 2018.

Tomorrow we will worship at Calvary Chapel of Entebbe.

Thanks for the prayers! They are being answered!

love to you all,


Finished Already??

Today, Friday, was the final day of the conference. It was all a wonderful experience. I closed out the final session, followed by the taking of communion. It is all a very dignified exercise. Every year following the communion time, there is a song and then virtually every person in attendance gives a hug to everyone else, you know, the one-side-then-the-other type of hug. It is a joyous time for all. Afterward, when we many of us are out on the lawn area, we are in demand for pictures with so many of the pastors. It is a lot of fun! There were a couple of sobering times today. One of them concerned one of the HMU pastors. Last year, one of the pastors was killed while riding his motorcycle, as a car ran into him. Today his brother and son were called forward for prayer and to present a financial gift to them, collected from the churches in Delhi.

So, I head for home tomorrow (Saturday). I am praying for a safe trip home and am looking forward to being back home! I have included a photo or two of the events of the day. One shows me with  8 of the guys from the Punjab State. There is one of me with Saji with 3 young men from a state in the northeast corner of India. Then one of me with my friend Pastor Sam from Delhi.IMG_2785 IMG_2795 IMG_2783


Thank you again for your love, support, and prayers!!


