Flood Relief Efforts

All over our news for the past week has been news of the devastation from Hurricane Harvey and the subsequent flooding throughout the vicinity of Houston and surrounding areas. It has been heartbreaking to see, but heartening to read about the numbers of people who have donated money, time, and heroic efforts to assist the people of Houston.

Not in our news has been the devastating flooding in Nepal. Whole villages have been wiped out and many thousands have been left homeless. The death toll is somewhere near 1,000. In Nepal, the government infrastructure doesn’t have a FEMA, and many of the hard-hit areas are not easily accessible for relief teams. So, it is often left to outsiders to provide money for relief. I put the word out a couple of weeks ago and a number of you responded. So, on Friday I sent $2,000.00 to Nepal in order to provide blankets, tarps, rice and medicine to 2 areas. I sent $1,000.00 to each area, to missionaries I know who live in Nepal. Though it is not a great deal of money, the dollar goes far there and it will definitely provide relief and assistance to 2 areas and the families who live there.

I want to thank those of you who donated for this purpose. May God bless and reward you for your sacrifices.

A few weeks ago I wrote about feeling helpless in the face of so many needs that are brought to me. In reality, I CAN help. I cannot do all I am moved to do, but TOGETHER we really can make a difference for a few.

I now look ahead to my next international trip: I will be going to Burma/Myanmar in November after visiting with Pastor Tung and some of his leaders in Saigon, Vietnam. Accompanying me will be Pastor Ed Hickey from London, Ontario, Canada. I’ll give more details as we near the time.

God bless you all,


Sometimes I Feel Helpless

Yesterday, I put the word out that the directors of the orphanage in Kathmandu, Nepal, Dev and Maya, needed $1,000 for a car, as their motorbike was destroyed. Within minutes, the funds were donated, and I sent it to Dev this afternoon. I am so thankful for the loving sacrifices made by friends.

At the same time, I know that the orphanage needs at least 5 more sponsors for children and they need supplies as well. I want to be a conduit for financial help.

Then, a few minutes ago, I received a plea from a young pastor I know in Nepal who was asking for financial help for his village which has been hit by flooding, leaving many homeless and injured. You can read about the deadly floods in Nepal by simply Googling the subject. Another pastor there posted some photos on his FB page of the flooding. Many have been killed.

I know I can only do so much. But I want to do more. I cannot keep asking people for money for Nepal. But, knowing the people there who have contacted me makes it more that a “news story” about a disaster in a foreign land. I know that my friends are suffering and are trying to assist others.

So, I will pray and do what I can and ask for God to somehow multiply the donations that we are able to send. May God help those in Nepal who are once again suffering a natural disaster. (It was only in 2015 that the country was hit by a devastating earthquake). May God help the orphans there.

If you are so inclined to help, please contact me.




Yes, it is early August and it is unusually hot here in the area of Seattle. There is also a great deal of smoke in our air due to wild fires in British Columbia. We’re in the midst of the longest stretch of rainless days ever recorded here in the Puget Sound. And, in a couple of weeks, there will be a solar eclipse! So, a very unusual summer for sure.

I am in the process of planning a trip to Viet Nam and Myanmar, from November 25-December 10. I look forward to meeting with a pastor in Saigon, and then meeting and teaching a group of leaders in Mandalay, Myanmar.

In the meantime, I have been corresponding with a pastor in Tanzania, with whom I will work next year. Last week, I met with a pastor in Oregon who will accompany me and share the teaching load. We will be working with about 300 pastors.

I have also received requests to go to Rwanda and Kenya. I don’t know how much of these requests I can accommodate but I am praying for wisdom in making the decisions.

Our friends in Nepal who run the orphanage, Dev and his wife Maya, have requested funds in order to be able to bring on 10 more children. If you can possibly help, please contact me and I will tell you how you can help. If nothing else, please pray for them, as they are doing a wonderful work in Kathmandu.

I am appreciative of this “quiet” time in between ministry trips, as I am able to continue to develop curriculum for future trips.

Thanks so much for checking in. And, thanks for all your prayers and support.


