Time is Flying By!

I cannot believe that we are at the end of January. Where has the time gone?

I will be leaving for India and Nepal on the 18th of February. I will be teaching at a pastor’s conference in Delhi and then flying to Kathmandu, Nepal. I will spend a few days there, visiting the orphanage and meeting with the directors of the Calvary Chapel Bible College. Then a flight to Chitwan, Nepal, for a 3-day conference of Nepali pastors, where I will teach a couple of sessions each day. I am looking forward to this trip, as it is always a great joy to be with the pastors and leaders in these countries.

I want to take a donation to the orphanage, now called Hope for Children Hostel, instead of Glorious Mission Orphanage, due to changes in the government in Nepal. If you wish to donate, you can use the PayPal method or send a check to MTI. Every dollar designated for the orphanage will be given to the orphanage.

thanks for the support and prayers. I will soon update you on some exciting new opportunities for MTI in 2018!


Seeing Some of Mandalay

It is now Friday morning and I am getting ready for the hour-long ride to the airport from where we will fly to Bangkok.

Yesterday, we saw the spacious and magnificent ancient palace of the King of Burma. It is in a lush 4 square mile compound right in the center of the city. Today, it is a tourist site and a military compound. We saw a few other sights as well.

But the highlights were the pre-school and the Bible College, both a part of Pastor Andrew’s church.

The pre-school has 36 children and 2 teachers! All but 2 of the kids are from Buddhist families. It is a Christian pre-school and many of the parents send their children there because, in their words, the children are loved.  I have included a couple of photos of the school.

The Bible College is directed by a young man who grew up in a Bhuddist home. When he became a Christian, his family disowned him. He then went through the 2-year program at the college and now directs it. The school has 2 buildings with several classroom. The students were in class, and I have included some photos, of the school and the director.

So, this great adventure is soon coming to a close. There is so much more to tell and show. I’ll just say that God has truly blessed this trip and I believe we will be returning to Myanmar before too long.

Now, your prayers have been the key factor, no question. But, now I need for you to pray me home safe and healthy.

Love to you all!



Seminars Are Completed

It is Thursday morning here. Yesterday we finished the seminars. I believe it was all a source of instruction, encouragement, and inspiration to all in attendance. I am glad that I replied to the initial email inquiry from Pastor Andrew over a year ago. He found the MTI website by searching for ways to train pastors and leaders. I hope that I can return someday.

Today, Pastor Andrew and his wife Marilyn will take us around to some of the areas in and around Mandalay. It is a beautiful day and I am looking forward to exploring a bit.

I have included 2 photos. One shows 2 of the young women who are students at the Bible School. You will notice a kind of cosmetic on their faces. It is called Thanaka. It is a cosmetic paste made from the ground bark of certain trees here in Myanmar. The women and girls use it for smoother skin, healthy skin, sun protection, and as a facial design. I would say that the majority of the Burmese women I have seen are wearing it.

The other photo is of the students ready to leave at the end of the day yesterday.

Thanks again for the prayers. Please continue to pray for health and safety!


