The Final Day of the Conference

(Click on the title to see the photos)

Today we wrapped up the conference and sent everyone on their way. I can tell you, it was a very blessed 3 days and it all went so well. Today I taught for about 2 hours, teaching the final session for 90 minutes and then a 30-minute recap before we ended it. What I felt more than ever was that my generation has really had an impact on the world for the Gospel but in many ways, it is time for my generation to step aside and make way for the younger leaders of the church going forward. I told them that my focus is now on preparing the next generation of church leaders whenever and wherever I am able. The feedback from many of the attendees was gratitude, and a kind of “Let’s do this again next year” feeling. What a privilege to invest in these young pastors and leaders. I love what I do!

So, over the next 2 days (Thursday and Friday) we have 4 meetings scheduled with other leaders, discussing plans for future ministry opportunities. I’ll keep you posted. Thanks to all of you who have read the blog and posted a response. It means a lot to know that you are interested and you are praying for us.

The photos below show me with a group of folks who attended, a photo of Isaac being presented with some gifts, and a view of the inside of the church.

Thanks again for the prayers. Looking forward to the next couple of days.


With a group of some of those who attended
Isaac receiving gifts
Inside the church building

Days 1 and 2 of the Conference

(Click on the title to read the entry and see the photos)

It is now Tuesday evening at about 8:50 PM. For the past 2 days I have been teaching at the Pastors Seminars, the main reason we came to Nepal this time. Things have been going very well. I teach about 3-4 hours a day and there are about 40+ present. The site is a small church building in Kathmandu. I am enjoying the time with them all, though few of them speak English and I certainly do not speak Nepalese. Tomorrow will be the final day. During each teaching session I give them 2 questions for discussion following the teaching. Pastor Saroj of the Way of Life Church is leading the conference and is a good man to work with. I have included some photos: Pastor Saroj and me standing near the entrance to the dirt road that leads to the church; one of the groups discussing following a session; some women working in their fields just below the church; and a cute little Nepali toddler.

I will write more tomorrow evening and add a few more photos

Thanks for the prayers. I am glad to have Isaac Holmes along, what a blessing.


Group discussion
Standing with Pastor Saroj
An adorable Nepali toddler
Women working in the fields next to the church

A Day at the Orphanage

(please tap on the blog title to see the photos)

It is now Saturday night here in Kathmandu. This morning we were picked up at the hotel by Dev, the orphanage director. After about a 20 minute drive, we arrived at the orphanage where we were met by all of the children, with flowers and gifts for both of us. We then spent about 30+ minutes talking with Dev and his wife Maya, who are the directors there. We asked about the welfare of the children, how they are all doing, their support, and much more. Following our discussion I presented them with a gift of $3,300.00, donated by our home Bible study group and a few others. They were really overwhelmed with gratitude and thankfulness to all who contributed. Soon their church service started (churches meet on Saturday in Nepal), with all of the children and many others from the local community. The young people led the time of worship and it was wonderful. I had been asked to give a word of encouragement, and so I spoke for about 30 minutes. After the service ended, we had some photos taken as a group. It is always a real joy to be at the orphanage and to see how the kids are growing and continuing their education. We then took a short walk up the street where they run a clothing store. Below is a photo of it. It is a regular source of much-needed income. We then were transported back to the hotel for the remainder of the day.

Thanks for the continuing prayers, they are appreciated. Tomorrow we will check out of this hotel and check in to another one, near to the site of the pastors seminars on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.

The clothing store
All who attended the worship service
Presenting Dev and Maya the financial gift