It is now Wednesday morning, the third day of the Pastor’s and Wives conference. It is still pretty dark outside and I am hearing some loud, unusual bird calls from the nearby forest. We are in such a beautiful spot, about 3-4,000 feet in elevation, so not too hot, very comfortable.
I have taught a few sessions already and will teach at the first session this morning. Yesterday Debbie sat on a panel of women while the women had a session to themselves, and I sat on a panel for the men’s meeting. We have met so many interesting people. I wouldn’t know where to begin in describing some of their stories, as there are many and they are quite interesting. So many dynamic, intelligent people who are leading churches all over East Africa.
I haven’t taken very many photos, but I will today so that you can see some of what we’re experiencing.
We’re in good health and enjoying life here. I thank you for the prayers. Please continue to keep us in your prayers.