FINALLY I got the wifi to cooperate here in the hills above Kathmandu, at the Hotel View Bhirkuti. It is the area where we have had the conference in years past, a beautiful, peaceful district outside of Kathmandu. The actual Pastor’s Conference is literally across the street at a conference center run by the Catholic Church. I believe we met there in 2013.
Anyway, there about 50 in attendance, many of them again coming from remote mountain villages. These guys are full of joy and are so glad to come here each year. I had the mornings first session, and I will tomorrow as well. I think it went well today, with a good translator working with me.
An added bonus this year is that there are 11 students from the newly-established Harvest Bible College in attendance. They are all young, and have been leading the music at the beginning of each session. It is really a joy to have them here with us.
Tomorrow (Friday) we will end in the late afternoon, then I am off to Kathmandu for a few days. But for now, I am so glad to be here and to participate with these dear brothers. I wish you all could be here to experience it.
Thanks for the prayers. All is well. Pictures tomorrow.
Pastor David
Great you got it all dialed in. Nice that everything is such close proximity. Praying God’s anointing and blessing on the time there. Looking forward to seeing the pics.
How neat the students were able to attend this year! Prayers go with you.
One can only imagine the joy and impact for these faithful men coming back each year from these remote villages. You say it is just across the street? That’s nice, but it was still a bit of a journey to get there ! Praying each day.