Today we visited an orphanage, near to the location of the Pastor’s Conference. It is run buy the brother-in-law and sister of Pastor Baburam, one of the HMU leaders in Nepal. I just cannot describe how wonderful and precious these children are! I have included a photo of the group, with me and my friend Ed in the back, and another pic of 2 of the girls.
Then tonight we had dinner with the National Director of Campus Crusade for Christ, Nepal. It was a time of stimulating conversation, as we are gathering information about what it takes to establish or run and organization (orphanage??) in Nepal.
Thanks for the prayers!
How precious are those children’s faces! So neat reading your blog entries. Prayers for health, safety and your teachings.
Such beautiful children. It comes to mind right away how God loves and sees each of them, just as He does us. Praying over them all, and those that are being the hands and feet of Jesus to them.