A Day at the Orphanage

(please tap on the blog title to see the photos)

It is now Saturday night here in Kathmandu. This morning we were picked up at the hotel by Dev, the orphanage director. After about a 20 minute drive, we arrived at the orphanage where we were met by all of the children, with flowers and gifts for both of us. We then spent about 30+ minutes talking with Dev and his wife Maya, who are the directors there. We asked about the welfare of the children, how they are all doing, their support, and much more. Following our discussion I presented them with a gift of $3,300.00, donated by our home Bible study group and a few others. They were really overwhelmed with gratitude and thankfulness to all who contributed. Soon their church service started (churches meet on Saturday in Nepal), with all of the children and many others from the local community. The young people led the time of worship and it was wonderful. I had been asked to give a word of encouragement, and so I spoke for about 30 minutes. After the service ended, we had some photos taken as a group. It is always a real joy to be at the orphanage and to see how the kids are growing and continuing their education. We then took a short walk up the street where they run a clothing store. Below is a photo of it. It is a regular source of much-needed income. We then were transported back to the hotel for the remainder of the day.

Thanks for the continuing prayers, they are appreciated. Tomorrow we will check out of this hotel and check in to another one, near to the site of the pastors seminars on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.

The clothing store
All who attended the worship service
Presenting Dev and Maya the financial gift


  1. How great to see Dev and Maya and all the children. Wonderful they have a store. Prayers continue for your trip.

  2. I LOVE seeing the pictures of the kids! It makes me want to go to Nepal to meet them. What beautiful smiles. We are praying for you and Issac!

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