We have been in pandemic mode for about a year and a half now. Many thought we would have seen the worst of it by now, but who knows? So, what are we to do? Since the idea of MTI is to train and teach pastors and leaders in other countries, that has been nearly impossible since I returned from India in March of 2020. In the meantime, we have been able to financially assist churches and individuals and communities in foreign nations and will continue to do so until I am able to travel again. Recently we saw that the earthquake in Haiti was devastating, with thousands now injured and homeless. I have a friend who runs a charitable organization and, trough her organization, we were able to donate for supplies and relief in Haiti.
I also am also nearly daily in communication with leaders in other nations and we are still talking about plans for when travel is safer again.
Almost as devastating as the pandemic and earthquake is the ugly division I see among Christians here in the US. We are called to LOVE one another. We will not see eye to eye with each other on all the issues. But I see Christians demonizing each other and being cruel and dismissive of those who think differently. Church, we are called to rise above all of that nonsense. The GOSPEL has remained unchanged for 2,000 years. Nations change, ideas change, the world is always in a state of change. But the Gospel remains the hope for all mankind. Do you hate those Christians who think differently than you regarding the pandemic? Regarding politics? Have you written them off and do you refuse to worship with them? Think about it: what has Jesus called us do? LOVE ONE ANOTHER. That is the single and sole evidence of our faith in Christ. Jesus said that “Men will know that you are my disciples by the love you have toward one another”. We cannot escape that. Are we his disciples? Is he your Lord? If ever the church needs to display the love of Christ, it is now. Let’s repent of hatred and division and finger-pointing. May we love others as He has loved each of us.