Teaching and More Teaching

It is Tuesday night at 9:10 PM. So far, here is how things have gone:

On Sunday, I preached the morning sermon at CC Soroti. Because there are 2 languages represented in the congregation, a translator was utilized. On the last Sunday of the month, there is only one worship service. But next week, I will preach again but at 2 morning services.

On Monday, I began the series on the Gospel of Matthew for the School of Ministry. I taught two 2-hour classes. It is a group of 15 very bright, inquisitive students. The classes went well. At lunch, I ate with the students, where each day they have a typical Ugandan dish of pinto beans over a kind of white cornmeal, with a side of greens. It is really very tasty, and we had it again today.

That evening, I was invited to a dinner meeting at a restaurant in town, with the church pastors and elders and wives as they plan a couple’s retreat for August. They have 46 couples already registered. It sounds like it’ll be a really good one-day event, and they accomplished a lot at the meeting.

Today, I taught three 2-hour classes. I am really enjoying the time and interaction with the students. Tomorrow, Wednesday, three more sessions and a later afternoon session with 7 second-year students as I try out a new curriculum I’m working on for MTI.

I’ll tell you, it is unseasonably cool for this area, upper 70’s, and everyone is freezing cold but I’m loving it. It is so mild. I am thankful, as last November here it was stifling hot and humid. The School director told me that he and his wife threw an extra blanket on last night. I, on the other hand, turned on the ac.

So that’s it for now. Thanks for the prayers and please feel free to leave a comment!



  1. A vary active and busy agenda you have pastor “D”. Those who hear you teach for the first time, will better understand the bible’s message God has sent us and what He expects of us; I sure did! Wish you nice days and stay safe.

  2. Sounds like you have been very busy teaching. Nice the weather has been mild for you. We all missed you and Debbie at our potluck tonight at K&K’s. Prayers continue for you.

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