Sunday Morning

It is now 6:00 Sunday morning here in India. On Friday, we competed the conference as we always do, with a communion service followed by a lunch of homemade Indian food. The team of Americans who participated this year was a really good group and I enjoyed working with them all. I am again inspired by the dedication and, at times, bravery of the pastors and leaders present at the conference. At one point one of the speakers asked for raising of hands of anyone who has suffered persecution, and a majority of them raised their hands. According to an extensive research article from last year, India is one of the nations where persecution is on the rise, and some of the conference participants can verify that from personal experience.

But, there was a lot of joy and worship this last week, along with great conversation. So, today, we will participate in a large gathering of several churches for a worship service in Delhi. Looking forward to that. Then several of us have a 9 PM flight to Kathmandu, Nepal. By the way, it is reported that Nepal is the nation where Christianity is most dramatically on the rise.

OK, so thanks for all the prayers. Oh, I have incl

IMG_0380uded a pic of me teaching just so you know I’m really here! Also, thanks to all of you who leave comments. It is encouraging for me here to know that you are following what I’m doing.



  1. We complain about our “first-world problems” and then hear you speak or read about your adventures and are reminded that most of us will never have to deal with the persecution and danger that many in other areas of the world deal with. The stories from your travels are very humbling indeed. Thank you for sharing with us!

    Continued prayer for you, for health and safety on your journey. Prayer also for all of those who are living their faith, even in the face of difficult circumstances and for those who are doing the good work of spreading the Gospel to the unreached.

  2. I so enjoy reading all your stories and hearing about those in India and those ministering there. It is amazing to hear of God’s working in others’ lives. I’m thankful you are having a good trip and staying healthy and safe. We all continue to pray for you! Excited to hear what’s new in Nepal next!

  3. I’m so excited for you to get to Kathmandu, as I am for each step of your journey. Keep an eye out for Ken and Cherri’s son Jeff and his wife Emily that live there now. You just may bump into them on the street! 😉 Continued prayer coverage for you and those you minister to.

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