Tragedy in Kathmandu, Nepal

20150425_144429It was only last month that I was in Kathmandu, teaching a wonderful group of Nepalese pastors at a conference in the hills just outside the city,  and spending time at the Glorious Mission Orphanage in Kathmandu. Everything was good. So, I was surprised when I received an email on the morning of Saturday, April 25, from Dev, the orphanage director, telling me that they are all safe but their building was damaged. I turned on the news and was heartbroken to see what had taken place. I am glad that all the kids at the orphanage are OK, but I know that they have a long road ahead of them, as do all the citizens of Kathmandu and surrounding areas. For some, life will never be the same.


I have included a photo that Dev sent to me, taken shortly after the quake, where the children and Dev’s wife, Maya, are sitting in an open area in front of their building.


If you want to contribute to the orphanage, you may send donations to MTI or use the PayPal option and indicate that it is for the orphanage. All donations will fully go directly to the orphanage.

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