About MTI

Welcome to the website of Ministry Training International. The purpose of this site is to keep you updated and informed about the meetings, conferences, and all the other activities associated with teaching and training pastors and leaders abroad. We hope you’ll explore what we do and keep up on the activities abroad and here in the US as well, through the blog, photos, and videos.

Thank you for your interest in what we do.

David Grisanti

Mission Statement

Ministry Training International has been established for the benefit of Pastors, Christian leaders, Missionaries, Bible Colleges, and Christian organizations outside of the United States. The goal is to provide teaching and encouragement at the request of the organizations and churches abroad.

Christian leaders and pastors in the United States have a great deal of resource material at their disposal, relating to ministry. However, Christian leaders and pastors in some foreign countries do not have the wealth of resources, training, and encouragement from other leaders that are accessible to us in the United States. Many churches abroad face great challenges in the form of opposition from hostile religious groups and unsympathetic governments. It is therefore often difficult for those churches and their leaders to preach the Gospel, which is the foremost responsibility of Christians everywhere.

Thus, Christian leaders in the U.S frequently receive pleas for help in these areas. Often, the requests are to personally meet and teach groups of pastors, missionaries, and leaders. This requires travel. MTI exists for this reason, so that we will be able to answer the requests for help and yet be financially independent as an organization. In other words, MTI is not an extension of one particular church, nor funded by a particular church. MTI will exist and operate through the financial gifts of individuals, families, and any organizations that wish to contribute.
